Food and Agriculture Organization
Food price spikes and volatility are of increasing political, professional and public concern for food security worldwide. They have been the focus of many studies. Price volatility is high on the agenda of many governments and a priority of the G20 in 2011. It is a primary policy issue for the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS). It is in this background that the CFS requested the HLPE in October 2010, to report on food price volatility and ―all of its causes and consequences, including market distorting practices and links to financial markets, and appropriate and coherent policies, actions, tools and institutions to manage the risks linked to excessive price volatility in agriculture. This should include prevention and mitigation for vulnerable producers, and consumers, particularly the poor, women and children that are appropriate to different levels (local, national, regional and international) and are based on a review of existing studies. The study should consider how vulnerable nations and populations can ensure access to food when volatility causes market disruptions.
This report contains the analysis and recommendations of the High Level Panel of Experts as approved by its Steering Committee at its meeting held in Amsterdam on 12-13 July 2011 and is now being presented to the CFS.