Center for Food Safety and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Petition FDA to Remove Arsenic from Animal Feeds

The Center for Food Safety (CFS) and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling for the immediate withdrawal of approvals for all animal drug applications for arsenic-containing compounds used in animal feed.

WTO Ministerial fails to make progress, again

Negotiations at the World Trade Organization are intractably stalled as trade ministers find themselves stuck debating a Doha Round that has long been outdated for the times. Instead, trade ministers need to step back and chart a new course for trade, according to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

Climate agreement must support shift toward sustainable agriculture

To effectively address global climate change, policy solutions must support a transition toward more sustainable agriculture systems that recognize the critical role agriculture plays in the world, concludes a series of issue briefs released today by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP).

Antibiotics, Animal Agriculture and MRSA: A New Threat

Widespread use of antibiotics leads to the development and spread of more antibiotic-resistant bacteria, like MRSA. When used, antibiotics kill off susceptible bacteria leaving resistant ones to multiply and spread; greater use of antibiotics—wherever that occurs—translates into greater numbers and different varieties of drug-resistant bacteria.