No Time to Lose: 147 Studies Supporting Public Health Action to Reduce Antibiotic Overuse in Food Animals

Hundreds of studies to date, and ever-strengthening science, tie the spreading epidemic of resistant infections in humans to routine antibiotic use in food animals. This is a select summary of that science across several critical strands of evidence.

Crisis or opportunity in the multilateral trade system?

October 10, 2012 – It was fascinating to attend the WTO public symposium at the end of September, an event framed around the question: “Is Multilateralism in Crisis?” The question invited far more yesses than noes, although there was a healthy sprinkling of determined optimists in the crowd as well. Yet the optimists did not talk much about trade.

Tiny, Scary, Unregulated

It seems like the stuff of science fiction: the ability to manipulate matter atom by individual atom into new structures, some imitating those found in nature, others completely novel.