Who Wins and Who Loses from U.S. Dumping of Corn

Agricultural “dumping” – the practice of exporting commodities at prices below the cost of production -- can be devastating for farmers in importing countries, especially in low-income countries with little power to use trade rules to defend their markets. It is unfair competition for producers in other exporting countries. And by encouraging overproduction in the U.S., it traps U.S.

Minnesota Farm to School bill attracts widespread support at the Capitol

ST. PAUL – Today, advocates will launch their campaign to pass a statewide Farm to School bill in Minnesota. The Farm to School Coalition includes, farmers’ organizations, school nutrition advocates public health advocates, and businesses, who are all hoping to build on successful efforts around the state that are good for farmers, good for kids, and good for the local economy.

IATP Statement: Derailment of TPP is a victory for Fair Trade Advocates

Minneapolis – The derailment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the lame duck session of Congress marks powerful progress toward fair trade. Since 2010, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, working with a coalition of human rights, environmental, labor and family farm organizations—indeed, nearly all of civil society—has been raising concerns about the TPP.