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The IATP Food and Society Fellows are currently seeking the next two-year class of fellows! Application instructions and information are below. The deadline is January 18. See below for a printable PDF application and information about a webinar on December 15 that will provide more information to potential applicants.

Seeking 9 Individuals with Fresh Ideas for a Just and Equitable Food System

The IATP Food and Society Fellows program is pleased to announce this Request for Applicants for the next two-year class of fellows. This program, administered by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), provides fellowships for individuals to envision, advocate and create a just, equitable and healthy food system from its roots up. Applicants, therefore, should have “Fresh Ideas” that have a policy component, pilot innovative projects that can be widely replicated by others, or build and engage the voice of communities for self-advocacy around important food issues.

Fellows receive an annual stipend of $35,000 in addition to communications support, trainings, and travel to two or three gatherings per year. We expect this class to consist of nine fellows with a variety of backgrounds and interests in food system issues. We have a specific interest in emerging leaders working to make healthy food a reality in communities of color, low-income communities and other places that are in the most need of healthy food access. We are committed to a class of fellows that represents the diversity of issues, race and ethnicity, and geography of the United States. People of color and applicants who work in communities of color are particularly encouraged to apply. 

While there are no specific age- or experience-level criteria, the program is designed for leaders who have already established a level of expertise in their field or community and are looking for an opportunity to build their leadership skills, vision and media outreach.

Applicants should submit the required materials via the online application by January 18, 2011. The next class will serve from April 1, 2011 to March 30, 2013. For background information on the program, please visit our website and view thisshort video.

Background and Vision
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the food movement has contributed to changes in the U.S. food and farming system that were unimaginable 20 years ago. Many are eating better, and many farmers and food businesses are beginning to incorporate just and environmentally beneficial business practices. However, as the food system incorporates the same injustices and inequities pervasive in our society, it is no surprise that the health, economic and quality-of-life benefits of food system reform are not shared by all.

Food, a universal need which impacts so many aspects of our lives, provides a unique organizing tool for improving communities. When innovative leaders are provided time and resources, they can accomplish tremendous positive change in the food system and beyond. 

With 72 fellows since the program’s inception in 2001, the Food and Society Fellows program has a proud history of advocating for food and farming systems that are just and healthy for all people. Fellows use multimedia, policy advocacy and community engagement to promote fresh ideas on all aspects of the national food system—supporting culturally appropriate and environmentally sustainable farming, safe processing and distribution, fair labor standards, and healthy food accessible to all—especially our most vulnerable children.

What Fellows Can Expect

  • Two years of a monthly stipend totaling $35,000 per year.
  • Two to three gatherings per year, including the Kellogg Foundation’s annual Food & Community Conference, a policy-focused trip to Washington, D.C. and a media-focused trip to New York City.
  • Access to communications consultants and program alumni who can provide advice and assistance on communications, contacts, project management and project development to make your efforts successful.
  • Regular conference calls, webinars and other forums for distance learning.
  • Monthly conference calls with IATP staff to check in on progress and to provide guidance on projects.
  • Funding available for independent training or collaboration interests.

What We Expect From Fellows

  • Passion for and commitment to improving the food system and a well-constructed plan for how you can contribute to a more just and equitable food system. Priority will be given to applicants who have a demonstrated commitment to and experience with addressing the racial and socioeconomic inequities that limit communities’ access to good food. 
  • A commitment to dedicating approximately 50 percent of work time (roughly 20 hours a week) to fellowship-related activities.  Fellows who have full-time employment must have commitment and an agreed upon plan with their employer on how the fellowship time commitment and stipend will work in relation to their current job description.
  • Interest in how policies impact food justice efforts. While not every selected fellow will have public policy as his or her primary focus, applicants should have an understanding of how local, state and/or federal policies intersect with their work. The Farm Bill, for example, exemplifies a federal policy with widespread, yet poorly understood, impacts on communities challenged by systemic inequities. All fellows will be expected to use a small portion of their time to participate in work groups focused on advocacy around specific regional, corporate or federal food policy issues.
  • Strong interest in the power of organizing and movement building. While not every fellow will have organizing as a focus, we see strengthening the voice of community members as a necessity for a better food system, and we will actively seek ways to support skills development to foster movement building.  
  • The production of regular outreach material, at a minimum of once per month, such as written commentary, blog post or multimedia piece related to your work as a fellow. We also expect fellows to provide interviews to media professionals and take advantage of other outreach opportunities as they arise.
  • Collaboration with your fellowship class, alumni, IATP staff, and others in the broad convergence of organizations and individuals involved in the Kellogg Foundation’s Food & Community program. While fellows may propose activities that are narrowly focused on one aspect of making a better food system, they are expected to have an appreciation for the food system as a whole, and embrace learning and collaborating opportunities that may not immediately relate to their project efforts.
  • Willingness to mentor an intern.  

To Apply

To apply, follow this link to our application form.  In addition to answering the short questions on the form, you will be asked to provide the following:   

  • A résumé highlighting background and relevant experience.
  • A cover letter including a description of your vision and strategy for how you propose to spend your two years as a fellow in no more than two pages.
  • Two samples of your work or communications outreach, which could include articles, blogs, video or other materials.
  • Three references with contact information. Only finalists’ references will be contacted, and then only after applicants have been informed that they have made it to the final round. 

Materials should be uploaded by 5 p.m. CST on January 18, 2010.

We welcome inquiries about this opportunity. Please direct your inquiries to Abby Rogosheske at or (612) 870-3433. Additionally, please note that we will have a webinar on December 15 at 12 p.m. CST to provide more information to potential applicants. The webinar will be recorded for viewing at any time. Register for the webinar.

For up-to-the-minute updates, be sure to follow us on Facebook.

Printable PDF version of our Request for Applicants