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The World Trade Organization (WTO) is preparing for another crucial week of meetings. The Doha Round of trade negotiations is in its 7th year and, a few weeks ago, was portrayed as virtually dead. This weekend though, trade ministers from around the world have started meeting all around Geneva. Starting Monday, they will gather at the WTO headquarters, aiming at finding a breakthrough to revive Doha.

Pascal Lamy, now WTO director general, is getting ready for another sleepless week. Today, the New York Times recalls that in 2004, he had been found sleeping on a makeshift bed in the WTO building after a tough night of negotiations. No doubt next week will be challenging as well. WTO members have set an ambitious agenda for themselves: agriculture and industrial goods liberalisation, the 15 year old banana trade war, intellectual property rights, rules of negotiations, and more, feature on this week’s programme.

Although many fear that the ambition of the agenda will impede progress, the sense of momentum has never been higher in Geneva over the past two years. IATP’s TIP team will be monitoring the negotiations closely, and post news on this blog. Stay posted!