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The WTO ministerial meeting kicked off to a dull and uneventful start today. The only news that excited journalists concerned a terribly unfortunate reference by Brazilian foreign minister, Celso Amorim, about rich countries' deception in trade talks reminding him of the tactics used by Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels.

Nothing new has happened yet. Most countries spent today reiterating their positions, both in the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) – where all WTO members are invited – and in the Green Room, where only around 30 trade ministers are invited (although no one knows exactly who is in or out). Pascal Lamy, the WTO Director-General, is in full control of the ministerial process: he chairs both the TNC and the Green Room.

A new negotiating text is expected at some point towards the end of the week, maybe Friday, in advance of a formal meeting of the whole WTO membership on Saturday. Concern is growing about a possible attempt by Lamy to draft a text of his own. This is not a popular option among WTO members who like to control the process.

While there is nothing new in the formal statements of WTO members, there are monsters lurking in the corridors of the WTO building. The mood is optimistic and members seem determined to get a deal this week. Everyone here is aware there is a hard, tough slog ahead. But they seem prepared to face it.

The WTO Secretariat is doing a good job of live webcasting press conferences and posting Lamy's statements. Check it out.