BRUNEI DARUSSALAM – Patent Law Edited by GRAIN February 1998

PATENT LAW History: The Inventions Act of 1925 provides for a dependent system under the UK, Singapore and Malaysia.

Membership: Intends to join Paris, PCT, Budapest

Admin: The Minister of Law is the Registrar of Patents.

Changes to conform to TRIPS: Brunei Darussalam has decided that it will establish an independent patent system consistent with TRIPS by the end of 1998.

Use of patent system: Since 1988, 453 patents have been granted, all of them to foreigners.

SOURCES: - Hassanah binti Haji Hassan, "Brunei Patent System: A Brief Introduction", Proceedings: Seminar on Patenting in ASEAN Countries, 16-18 September 1996, Singapore, organised by EC-ASEAN Patents and Trademark Programme. - Magdalene Chong, "The Brunei Darussalam Position", APEC Industrial Property Rights Symposium, Tokyo, August 1996. - Sharinah Yusof Khan, “Industrial Property System in Brunei Darussalam”, ECAP Seminar on Intellectual Property in the ASEAN Countries, Brussels, 3 June 1997.